San Francisco International Orff Course, Level I - A Reflection

Over the past two weeks I have gone from thinking I knew a bit about the Orff Schulwerk pedagogy, to realising I did not really have much understanding about it at all, to having an epiphany about how I might alter the way I teach to improve the quality of learning in my classroom. The San Francisco International Orff courses follow the American Orff Schulwerk Association (AOSA) three level certification programme. The Level One looks at the basics of teaching the Orff pedagogy, including using the pentatonic scales, basic movement, games, singing and recorder. Level Two takes this further with the inclusion of hexatonic scales and the church modes while Level Three goes full diatonic with a jazz and blues twist thrown in for good measure. This year I undertook the Level I course with Sofia Lopez-Ibor and Sarah Noll, and while I understand scales and modes pretty well (I do like writing music after all), it was the manner in which they were used which was a revelat...